old Newbie with P3 advanced on the way

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by gwtx, May 30, 2016.

  1. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    Have you looked at the article on "that other website" about lag and drop out on the p3's. Sounds reasonable to me, especially if it looks like DJI may have took a shortcut, or a cheaper option. Doesn't look to be too complicated to do, what do you think?

  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I would be amazed because I tend to fly in very temperate locations - and, if I remember, there is a small fan inside the gimbal controller?

    Also, they are talking mostly lag as opposed to disconnects.

    Also, a lot of the guys who fly in Vegas and in the desert have not reported this.

    Not to say increased cooling didn't help some people.
    But I am an extremely light user and disconnects can happen on the first battery in relatively cool weather.

    My R/C has never disconnected...just the app part. If I had to guess it's more related to the antennas. If I had the instrumentation it would be interesting to test them.
  3. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    Brings up another question,,,,what about the after market antennas. Not just the reflectors, even though I think they will help a little. Some of those antennas look a bit strange to me. Just curious.
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I have the feeling antennas may help.....but, then again, in some of my earlier disconnects the bird was quite close to me - maybe 200 feet or so.

    I didn't have the problem with range - that is, it doesn't tend to happen more when the bird is far. In my case, it was more related to android devices and also other stuff like not doing an IMU after FW upgrade.
  5. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    I flew this afternoon almost sunset. Don't remember flight duration but the video was a bit over 16 minutes, landed with 27% on the battery. Everything went well. Got out to about 1/2 mile with alerts, lags, or dropouts. What settings do you normally use on your video setup? I have played with it a bit, but I'm not up on photography. I am using 1080 x 30fps mp4. My device gets a little jerky if I go faster than that on fps. Video is good to my eye, and suits my needs for surveillance on critters and the cows. I actually chased some calves out of the fence this afternoon, as they were putting a strain on the wires trying to get to the "greener grass" on the other side. Had a brief rodeo show. Wish I had more time to "get into it" more but, this time of year is pretty busy. Maybe this fall when work slows down and temps cool off a bit, I'll have more time. Thanks for the conversation/helps, Gary
    P.S. What part of the world are you flying in ?
  6. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I fly in coastal RI, W. Mass and in Sarasota Florida (hopefully) for a bit in the mid-winter.
    I use 1080/60 just to give a bit of latitude in editing. This allows for some slower motion if desired (can be edited to 30fps).

    If you are just messing around 720 is fine....and will use less in terms of memory, etc.
    But it also depends on the screen you are looking at it on afterwards.
  7. royster

    royster New Member

    I took your suggestions & fly the open field for 4 waypoints, then I added 2 just into the woods, approx.- 100 ft. in, I did move to center of field so I could see my bird flyin over those 20-30 ft. trees, I change my altitude to 40 meters & although I lost line of sight for approx. 15-20 seconds, she flew the 2 forest waypoints with no drama!
    Loading Litchi missions, I think I mentioned, on occasion it take me a couple of tries before bird "takes" the mission, which is what happened on this flight too, 1 minute in I got the Warning- "mission failed to load", but she'd already done 4 waypoints & I assume the warning pertains to the first try at loading the mission that failed, Still its a little scary!
    I am taking baby steps, over at "that other site" I see guys flying over heavily populated areas, landing in their driveway, beside their car!
    I just can't do that yet, & probably never will!
    Thanks for your tips, much appreciated
  8. royster

    royster New Member

    I must add here, I;ve since changed out my Asus tablet for a Nividia Shield K-1, its like going from a black & white TV to color!
    I'n the 4 days I;ve had it, no noticeable lag, no drop outs & mimicking flights where I;ve lost signal, not a hint of image issues.
    What I really like - as soon as I connect to the tablet, image is there, no fiddling around.

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