Drone Tutoring and Coaching
Learn how to fly a drone – from the Pros!
When it comes to drone knowledge, many budding pilots waste dozens of hours or days (and lots of $$) heading in the wrong direction or treading water. There is a LOT to know about drones but, as with any specialty, a pro can boil it down for you and make it much easier to achieve your goals.
The Pitch
Have you ever wanted to see the world from a different point of view? Had dreams of flying?
Now you can make it all a reality! In as little as 1-2 hours I can teach you most of what you need to understand, buy and fly hobby and camera drones.
New FAA regs allow you to go even further now and charge $$$ for your services (additional test required). Get started now and be flying within a very short time. There are LOTS of expensive courses in the drone market but almost nothing which is introductory, common sense and individually tailored to one or two students.
The price is right – you will be learning from pros who has authored 3 best selling books and numerous courses on the subject. Our initial “short course” introductions will be private or semi-private hands-on…that means we meet (usually at a park, etc.) and learn and FLY. We will gladly provide the best practice (toy) models as well as give you demonstrations of the higher end GPS Camera Drones.
Example Private Tutoring
Here is an example of how we’d get started. Ideally, we’d meet up for 90 minutes or so – 20-30 minutes would be discussion and Q and A. The other hours would be hands-on demo of how to fly starting with the “toy” models and then we would fly the more pro GPS models just for a demo.
I would leave you with a book (on starting), a toy practice drone ($20 extra if you don’t already have one) and 60 days of email access to me and/or other tutors/instructors for other Q and A.
This would be only $135.00
If you wanted a second hands-on session a week or so later 45 minutes would be $65 which could be more flying and Q and A and direction, etc.
Depending on your level of “self-learning”, you’d then- in parallel – learn more about flying (mostly by doing, but also reading) and then – assuming you want a commercial (charge for services) Part 107 I would send you in the right direction and give you an idea of how to study for and take the test.
Current Locations we are serving are:
Springfield, MA
Newport, RI
Sarasota, FL (seasonal – check with us)
Nashville, TN
In general, if you are within one hour of these locales and.or willing to drive/fly or otherwise get to us, we’ll be more than glad to accommodate you. You can even work it in as part of a vacation or work travel as all of the areas mentioned are popular destinations.
So shoot me an email at cissod@gmail.com with your particular interest and/or timelines
Remote Learning/Questions Answered or Full-on Consulting
If you are not able to make it to our in-person tutoring, we can work with you from afar in terms of setting up methods to meet your goals and answering any questions you may have. We also do personal and industry consulting – all the way up from single questions to full-on industry white papers such as our “Drone Reports” on the consumer market.
For single questions (and our extensive answers including links, opinions and best practices), the charge is only $20. Question for this format are only accepted with paypal prepayment (pp to cissod@gmail.com).
Be Efficient
Most of you can learn about drones with absolutely no help from expert tutors. However, you will spend a LOT of time spinning your wheels and perhaps purchase the wrong units for your needs. Time is money and we promise to provide savings in both to prospective Drone Flyers.
Thanks for listening,
Craig Issod, Founder

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