Am I going a bit too far in saying that quadcopters can lead to enlightenment, inner peace and a better world?
I don’t think so!
It goes without saying these days – the subject of Drones come up, and some ill informed citizen will “drone” on about them being used for evil purposes. Having a narrow view of the world definitely keeps one from enlightenment, and the subject of unmanned flying machines is no exception.
Instead of burying one’s head in the sand, I’d suggest doing some research and seeing all the good being done by these amazing machines. As to their positive nature, let me count the ways – but, first, here are some links for those who want to understand just some of the various civilian uses:
Drones for good
Drone Journalism: Link Forum
Yes, from tracking populations of wild and endangered animals to crop inspection to mapping and photography, there are multitudes of positive uses. Drones are even being developed for search and rescue and fire fighting!
Let’s discuss the positive aspects of this pursuit for the individual hobbyist. As with any activity which requires you to be outdoors and pay close attention to something, this hobby forces the operator to Be Here Now. Not only is it an excuse to get outdoors, but flying often leads to trips to the park, conservation land and other natural areas. Whether in your street or in the mountain meadow, you are outside for long periods of time when others are likely not. Score one for visting the Natural World.
It is well known that BOTH the Arts and Sciences are pursuits leading to self discovery and enlightenment..of yourself and others. The ability of quadcopters to take photographs and videos unable to be captured otherwise provides a great “canvas” for creativity. There is literally no end to it. Some of the videos are so beautiful that they will inspire and delight – and what could be more positive than making others happy?
Photography is just the beginning of the creative arts able to be expressed with these amazing machines! Talents from programming to painting to engineering are used for many aspects, from building custom parts and machines to changing the behavior of the flying drones. Invention, innovation, education, concentration and more are part of the hobbyist’s everyday experiences!

Most quadcopter hobbyists will use and learn a number of new or rusty skills, including soldering, assembly and fixing, electrical measurement, safety and others too numerous to mention. The concentration required to repair, build and fly these aerial robots teaches discipline and offers a respite from the hurried and often disconnected modern world. You cannot and will not “text and fly” nor will you be checking facebook as you solder wires for your repair of build.
So, Grasshopper, when will you become fully enlightened and when will World Peace be achieved? Unfortunately I cannot answer that question, but I have noticed something worthy of stating. The folks who populate the forums and discussions on these quadcopters seem to be extra nice. I’ve had experience online for a couple decades and one often finds immature and boorish behavior on the internet. This in itself shows something – that either the hobby is self-selective (nice people without chips on their shoulders?) or that pursuing it tends to make folks that way.
Take Your Choice! Either way, throw out that crazy idea of flying robots being evil.
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