Will this dronedesign fly?

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Nightrider99, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Nightrider99

    Nightrider99 New Member

    Hi guys. I just purchased a 3d printer and I am currently playing around with different dronedesigns. I am also new to drones so I am not very experienced as of yet but I think it is a lot of fun to say the least!

    So my recent design is basically a "plate" or a flat square where I have all my electronics/battery and underneath this square I have 4 ducted rings with a motor each inside of them. The motors in this design are also upside down while the square covers the entire area (so there is no air on top of the ducted rings just underneath them).

    My questions are; If I have this flat square ("plate") on top with all the electronics and the motors upside down underneath, will the drone receive thrust and go up? (Check design 1 picture)

    The answer to that leads to my second question; If I then simply flip the drone around so that the motors are on top (not upside down) in their respective ducted rings and underneath it i have the square (that fills the entire space so under the ducted rings there is no air) and under that i put the electronics, would it then fly? (Check design 2 picture)

    I have not tested it out yet in "real life" in case it could harm any motors/esc's.

    I will upload two files where I show the design (very basic).
    The blue area (it is a bit transparent on design 1 so you can see the underneath) = square plate.
    The orange rings = ducted rings.
    The range small rings = motors.
    The red long rectangles = propellers.

    Appreciate every help I can get!

    Attached Files:

    • 1.png
      File size:
      370.6 KB
    • 2.png
      File size:
      162.3 KB
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

  3. Nightrider99

    Nightrider99 New Member

    And the second question, if i then flip it so that the motors are on top with the plate underneath will it then fly? The 2 image showcases this
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  4. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Air has to be able to freely flow though the entire path of the props, bottom or top makes no difference. You are still blocking airflow.

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