[UPair One 4K] Not taking off.

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by DeBeGiZ, Jun 17, 2017.

  1. DeBeGiZ

    DeBeGiZ New Member

    Hello there!

    I just joined this community and I wanted to ask for some help. I got my UPair One yesterday, couldn't try it because I usually work on weekends, so, as I was so hyped for trying my new quad, brought it to the garage.

    When I took everything off the box it looked nice, tried to start rotors, link FPV to the controller, etc. Today I tried to make a little take off, flight trial. But the quad doesn't even move when I full throttle it.

    So I need to ask... is it broken? Is there any kind of step I'm missing? Does it NEED to be connected to satellites in order to fly? (My garage is completely closed so it gets 0 SAT signal).

    I tried throttling in Headless mode, GPS mode, Heigh hold mode, Manual mode, RTL mode... I even tried to start it without FPV just in case. But anything seems to work.

    Has anybody any kind of advice on this? It would be really helpful, is my first "expensive" drone and it would be a shame to have been waiting 20 days to get a broken toy :(
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Most do.

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