U818a-1 Not Taking Off

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Richard Astley, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Richard Astley

    Richard Astley New Member

    Hello all,

    This is my first thread and I have a problem with my new u818a-1. I know, its not that impressive. However, my quadcopter seems to not be taking off. The props turn, but I don't know if the RPM isn't high enough or what. Please help!

    Thank you,
    Richard Astley
  2. Richard Astley

    Richard Astley New Member

  3. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    There is no reason to apologize about your quad. I've been having a blast with this one.


    Cost me $21.

    1. Did you fully charge the battery?
    2. Have you had the props off?
    3. Have you creashed it?
  4. jrsherm11

    jrsherm11 New Member

    I have a u842 which is essentially the same quad, mine needed motor replacement and it of the box, even after, still does not fly correctly...will fly "OK" with a fully charged battery but after a bit, the yaw just seems to do whatever it wants. I would not recommend this quad to anyone, looks cool and has a good camera, but if you can't fly it it's no good.

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