Top Selling Fy326 Q7 Board Replacement

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Ctrlx, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Ctrlx

    Ctrlx New Member

    I currently own 5 of these quads. I have one in particular that I few daily. One particular day while flying. I was in level flight, then I initiated a climb, I had gained @15 feet and bam, dropped out of the air. I collected the quad and replaced the battery with a fresh one thinking it was just the battery had gone flat. After connecting the new battery, none of the orientation LEDs lit but I could see inside the link status LED (red LED on the board) was blinking, but it wouldn't bind with my controller. .."..I think she's dead Jim..." I brought it inside on the workbench and popped the cover. Yep, when applying power, no orientation LEDs but the link status LED (red LED on the board) would blink, but nothing :(. The control board is RED with the markings: TS-FY01R. It contains the SMD chips: Beken BK2425, ARM HL004512AB and M540 along with four marked 2310 (FETs?), one marked: ML5 (I'm assuming is a switching transistor that's used to blink the LED's for re-calibration indication) and one marked: 54ML (which I'm assuming is some type of regulator which gets very HOT!, possibly why the board is dead). I opened my other quads and all have the same RED board with the marking: TS-FY01R. I then did a search for a replacement board and found a seller that had them: - Top Selling Q7 Quadcopter FY326, Receiver Board, 4 CH Quad helicopter $9.99. I placed my order. Prior to shipment I got an EMail asking if I had a Red or Green board. I replied that I had a Red board with the markings TS-FY01R. Waited, and the package arrived with a Red board, but it has the markings HR-FY326RA. It does not contain the same hardware, it has a LT5910 , M681, four 2310's, 54MJ and Y1, huh?!. I mounted the board, powered it up, all seems okay, the orientation LEDs blink, the link LED blinks waiting for bind but it will not bind with the controller, nor with any of my controllers.
    Does anyone have any information about this replacement board I received (HR-FY326RA)? Was I sent the wrong board for the FY326 Q7? Clearly must be wrong and for what quad is it supposed to go with.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also the source of the proper red TS-FY01R board would be fantastic.
    Thank you.

    Attached Files:

  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    The FY326 has gone through a few revisions as have most quads of this type. The original 'green board' version was the best. With 4 that still work why not just use the broken one for parts?
  3. Ctrlx

    Ctrlx New Member

    Yes, I understand there have been revisions. In its condition now, it's a "donor quad", but it would be nice to get it back in working order for when friends come over so we all can fly.
    I would like to know if the new board I received: HR-FY326RA, is in fact a receiver board for the FY326.
    Also it would be cool to do a board level repair to the original receiver board (TS-FY01R) to get it back in working order.
    Is there anyone familiar with the hardware that can offer any suggestions.
    I having some problems finding any data on the SMD part: 54ML. I know the 2310 is a N-MOSFET for running the motors, the Beken BK2425 is a 2.4G wireless transceiver/Data transfer, HL004 is an ARM Cortex-M0 processor and the M540 I can't find any information on, possibly the accelerometer/gyro.

    And like I said previously, a source of the TS-FY01R boards would be great!
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
  4. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

  5. Ctrlx

    Ctrlx New Member

    ...too many things are just "Throw-away".......if your car gets a flat tire you don't throw it might say, "..well that's easy, I know it's the tire and I have the tools and know-how to change the tire...." Some people have the tools and know-how to do board repair, it's just the missing part of "what" needs replaced. Let's say the board popped a MOSFET that controls the motors, I can purchase 1000 SMD MOSFETS for $9. As another example of "Throw-away" are microwave ovens, I have collected 10 of them that were put out to the road, their failure, a 10 cent fuse. So isn't it better to fix something for a few cents then to throw it away and replace it for dollars, plus gain knowledge in the process. But if you choose to just throw away and replace, that's your option, but it leaves you still with the missing "why" something failed, for myself, I like to know....
    There has to be some people out there that are into the hardware that have the missing pieces, just need them to share their information.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  6. Ctrlx

    Ctrlx New Member


    In my original post about my FY326 with a RED board marked: TS-FY01R. I had noted that the 54ML was very HOT! and possibly why the board is dead. It was correct. When I tested the 54ML, if I remember correctly, it was only putting out 1.26v...yep, she's spent. The LDO is a fixed voltage regulator and is set for 2.8v.
    Thanks go to Alias_Hendrik for directing me to a part # for the 54ML. I found a vender for the part and replaced the sick one on my board. I applied power and did a voltage test, ah!, 2.85v!, perfect.....RED bind LED, blinking, orientation LEDs, blinking, sweet!.....powered on the TX......TX linked and back to the skies!..... a successful board level repair!
    I can only guess that when I gave full throttle from level flight that it overloaded the regulator for some reason and caused it to fail. Anyway, problem solved and back to flying once again! :)
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  7. JessJack

    JessJack New Member

    Can you please specify all the details of your board? What MCU and the other components it contains?
    Also what drivers it contains and the sensors?
    What power supply it requires ?

    low cost pcb
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015

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