The BullCrapNotFly Super Drone

Discussion in 'New Products, News, Advancements, etc.' started by armorphine, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. armorphine

    armorphine New Member

    I call it super because I have used it personally and it exceeded my expectations, ahaha..

    it's one of the best gadgets I have ever owned.

    you can get one too, here ~

    its very small, you would think it's a kids toy , .. it has a GPS and a camera equivalent to the iphone 6s one, very high quality and it follows ya automatically , ahaha!

    the battery lasts longer than what I expected too,

    all in all, this item is a must buy

    hope you enjoy yours too, you can get it at

  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Post your flight vids.
  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I have a chuckle when one of these gets through - as long as this company pays people to SPAM, I am going to hassle them and suggest that people look elsewhere for drones (of course, this thing is probably junk anyway - some reviews out show it to be a joke).
    "The BullCrapNotFly Super Drone"

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