TdxCopter - 1Ghz Dual Core controller

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by TdxCopter, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. TdxCopter

    TdxCopter New Member

    Hi Community!

    We (me and a friend) are currently working on a quadcopter controlled with a Colibiri Tegra T20 ARM microcontroller. We use a ITG3200 gyro from sparkfun and a 3 axis accelerometer. Our frame is from hobbyking and completely made out of carbon. We had to drill some of our own plates with a CNC machine to fit our PCB on top. Now we do some testing of our programming with an 1-axis gimble.

    Our first PID-Test can be found here:

    Now we worked on the mathematical model and tryed to compare theory with reality by making a bode plot of our system. We are not sure if this actualy possible but it will at least help us to compare different control algorithms.

    Now we are trying to implement a kalman filter to get better sensor data for our controller. If you have any tips let us know! :)

    For more info you can also check out our project page:

    Cheers :)

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