Take Our Industry Survey: What The Industry Really Thinks About U.S. Regulations

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by Alan Perlman, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. Alan Perlman

    Alan Perlman New Member

    Some people believe the dangers imposed by UAVs are a little over-exaggerated. For those reasons and more, we've put together a 5-minute survey on sUAS/drone regulations in the U.S.

    We're planning to use the results when we speak with policy makers and major news outlets.

    Please, do me the favor of taking this survey and sharing it with others who may be interested. Let us know if you disagree or agree with the direction U.S. regulations are heading for the industry.

    It may not be as sexy as FPV racing, but it's arguably more important (just with less crashes). Thanks, everyone.

    Here is the survey: http://uavcoach.typeform.com/to/P2TkMe

    So far, over 1100 pilots have already responded.

    (All responses are anonymous, and your email will only be used to notify you when the results are live.)

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