General Hint SymaX5c..I'm ordering another

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Peter Legere, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. Peter Legere

    Peter Legere New Member

    I wish I had kept better track of my flying hours. I bought my X5c with 4 extra batteries. When the batteries were new, they would lose power rapidly when they approached depletion, taking perhaps 30 seconds to stop after the first signs of depletion. Now, after an estimated 40 cycles, they take a few minutes to stop after losing power to the point of being unable to break out of ground effect. It's still fun to scoot over the ground, but definitely time to get more batteries. Refill the fuel tank, so to speak.

    I have been using the quad to photograph my property. I'm building a model of my little kingdom in Sketchup, and I use photos and vidcaps to texture the wall and roof surfaces. I fitted the prop guards as soon as I got it. It has fallen out of the sky a few times (the conditions were perhaps too windy) but after somewhere between 25 and 30 hours in the air, it is still in almost perfect condition. The rotor blades are a bit rough on the leading edge, and the second camera stopped working the last time the quad fell out of the sky, (The first camera got dunked in a puddle, and didn't wait till it was thoroughly dry before firing it up.) but other than that, it looks and performs as new.

    But I digress... As I said, it was time to replace the batteries, so I went to the Banggood site and priced a battery bundle, and a new camera, then I saw a new X5c bundled with 5 batteries for what I paid for my first order, even though the Canadian Dollar is down by almost 20%, so I ordered a new one. It's always good to have a spare, even for parts. I'll try to keep a log for the new one, and get some real data on performance.

    I can't really compare this quad to another as it is the only one I have ever had, but I am so satisfied with this one, that I've ordered another. Eventually I'll probably go to FPV, but I still need practise.

    Any tips on "re-invigorating" the first set of batteries?

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