Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Justin_B_Aus, May 28, 2017.

  1. Justin_B_Aus

    Justin_B_Aus New Member

    Screenshot_20170529-095708.png Hi,
    I have the Syma X8HW. The android app doesnt connect to the drone camera, it connects fine to the drones wifi network. I also get the wifi icon on the controller flashing. i just get the blank screen

    My phone is a rooted/unlocked LG Nexu 5x.

    It connects fine with my Samsung Galaxy Tablet

    The GoPro streaming app works fine which uses WiFi to connect to the camera.
  2. Justin_B_Aus

    Justin_B_Aus New Member

    Seems to be ok now, not sure why, might be the way I set it up/start up sequence.
  3. Justin_B_Aus

    Justin_B_Aus New Member

    I'm now waiting for some good weather to fly the drone, i took it up and down for a few seconds when I went to buy it (second hand) and then another time but it was too windy. Every time I get home from work its getting dark and the weekends' weather is too windy or wet.:(:mad:

    Thats winter for you I guess...:rolleyes:
  4. Alicatt

    Alicatt New Member

    Funny that, just got one of these too, it works fine with my old iPhone 4s but I cannot get a picture at all on my iPhone 5s
  5. Justin_B_Aus

    Justin_B_Aus New Member

    It was to do with my phone. It came up with a message to say no internet connection, do I want to stay connected. I said yes and it worked.
  6. Alicatt

    Alicatt New Member

    After uninstalling and reinstalling the app this morning it now works with both phones, for £84 it's not a bad wee drone :)
  7. Justin_B_Aus

    Justin_B_Aus New Member

    I paid 100AUD second hand, it's going well and built will
  8. Alicatt

    Alicatt New Member

    Had my first fly-away, did a forward roll at about 20m altitude and the aircraft dipped down and flew back up to height again, when a gust of wind hit it and Whoosh it was off going sideways, trying to bring it back to me would only hold it still against the wind when it got to a construction crane in my street that was time to bring it down... also the battery was starting to go flat, at this point the aircraft was about 300m from me and I lost sight of it as it came down. Last seen was Mr. Catt running up the road looking for his drone :)
    While looking for it Mr.Catt realised that the aircraft was still in "beginner mode" and if he had switched it to normal then it would have been able to make headway against the wind, Mr. Catt felt like an idiot! Don't be like Mr. Catt :D

    Anyway, the guy that is building a new house - hence the construction crane - had found the aircraft and placed it on the path beside his house so Mr. Catt got his toy back :) Had a nice chat with the neighbour, apologised and thanked him for his help.
  9. Seide45L

    Seide45L New Member

    Think about buying this drone for my friend, he wants to try his hand in flyng a drone)
  10. Alicatt

    Alicatt New Member

    It's a nice easy drone to fly with it's stabilisation and altitude hold, mind you it is not as easy to fly as one with GPS assist etc. but it is cheap and the camera is not too bad, not great but not too bad.

    Syma X8-HW:


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