Syma X8C vs X8G transmitter motherboard (see pictures)

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by HillsideHeathen, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. HillsideHeathen

    HillsideHeathen New Member

    I'd like to extend the range with a 2.4 ghz 5dbi antenna and pigtail install as I've seen all over youtube. The transmitter motherboard on the X8C is "V5" and the X8G is "V8" as you can see in the pictures.
    Is there really any significant difference that anyone knows of? Will I run into any problems if I tried to upgrade both the transmitters with the same 5dbi set up?

    I bought both the X8G and the X8C so I can mess around with both and have interchangeable parts etc. The X8C (in orange) I plan on using as an Arial photography toy, so I put DJI Phantom landing gear, an SJCAM SJ5000 (non Plus) with the Night Lions Brass motors so I dropped some money into it and would like to make sure that even though I might loose sight of it, I at least know that I will still have flight control and thus a better change of getting it back home...
    Thanks in advance.
    Take care,

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  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    I don't see why it would make a difference.

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