Syma X5SM controll

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by BruceDronePilot, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. BruceDronePilot

    BruceDronePilot New Member

    I know I own the this drone but is there a reset other than holding the throttle and direction levers down to the bottom right corners? I had great help with the wind issues but have discovered my craft is not able to go in reverse direction. Goes up, down, forward, left and right but not reverse.
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Is your throttle on the left stick?
  3. BruceDronePilot

    BruceDronePilot New Member

    Yes RG the throttle is on the left.
  4. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    The LCD will say Mode1 top/left (which is actually Mode2 as we know it). Is that what it says? Just for the heck of it switch over to Mode2 and see what happens. The roll and rudder will be switched, then shut the radio down and put it back to where it says Mode1. Maybe that will straighten things out.


    Keep pushing means hold it to the right.
    BruceDronePilot likes this.
  5. BruceDronePilot

    BruceDronePilot New Member

    Will try this tomorrow RG and let you know how it turned out. Thanks for reply. Since I posted has been raining here tomorrow is supposed to be clear.
  6. BruceDronePilot

    BruceDronePilot New Member

    Dang, Took me till yesterday to get some time to myself to get out and do a little flying. The advice RG gave was excellent I finally have control over my drone and it goes in the direction I command it too. So thanks for all the help much appreciated.
  7. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Cool. :cool: We do have a 'like' button here. :)

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