Syma x5c won't fly straight, questions before I buy parts

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Roveer, May 21, 2015.

  1. Roveer

    Roveer New Member

    I bought my son a Syma x5c quad copter for xmas and shortly there after (and a few mild crashes) it no longer fly's straight.

    A broke it all down and checked all the parts. Nothing is broken all the props spin freely but when taking off it basically goes sideways. It also sometimes doesn't seem to sync with the remote properly. (lights just keep flashing).

    on-line sellers seem to sell most of the parts for this drone but before I go buying a lot of parts I wanted to see if anyone else has had the same problem.

    Wondering if the last crash somehow effected the motion chips on the small MB on the drone. Pretty sure I can replace that board for 18 bucks. Was also going to order a few motors as they seem to fail. Have xtra props and if that fixes it I'll be all set with spare parts.

    Any other ideas?
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I think you have it right - you may have messed up the IMU somehow - the gyro, etc.
    These are el cheapo electro-mechanical parts and can certainly be thrown off by a hard crash.

    What I often do these days with my cheap quads is buy two of them in the beginning. That way I have an extra battery, props, motors and other parts!

    But, yeah, time to replace the main board......

    Everything fails on these toy quads but it's still cheaper to fly them all in all even with lots of parts replacement....or, if worse comes to worse, sell what's left of them to others (lots of people looking for a TX, etc.) and buy a new one!

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