Syma X5C Quadcopter Camera?

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by MagillaGorillaX, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. MagillaGorillaX

    MagillaGorillaX New Member

    Picked up the Syma X5C Quad used a few days ago. Just not looking things over and trying to understand the instructions for this thing. Camera doesn't seem to be working. I took the SD card out and hooked it to computer, found pics and vids on the card so it use to work. I am lost though on where to start trying to trouble shot it. So far here is what I am doing. Camera is plugged in, receive is on, light on cam is green I push right shoulder button it beeps and I guess light on cam should turn red then back to green. No red just stays green. so I thought maybe quad needs to be air born so got it up but upon take off sometimes the lights on the quad flash real fast and props stop. If I put more throttle into it everything seems fine but again I push button to take pic and still light stays green. whole reason I got the thing was for the cam. Any thing I can do or try to determine if the cam is bad? Thanks and all or any help would be great.. Big newbie for the cam quads.
  2. mistajingles

    mistajingles New Member

    I'v had mine for about a week and it's my first quad but it's not that great for pictures or video. It's about as good as the front camera on a Droid 2.
    And as for it not working... you can try formatting it on a computer or try another sd card. A low quality or bad sd card can affect the quality of the video recordings and pictures. Also try flying it without the camera and see if it has any problems.
    Before flying it make sure the battery is fully charged. If you have a smart charger use that. Insert the SD card and plug in the camera. Put the battery in and flip the on switch and set the quad on level ground. Make sure the throttle is all the way down and turn on the transmitter. When the quads lights start flashing slower, move only the throttle from 0% to 100% back to 0%. It will beep twice, lights will go solid, and it's ready to fly. Like you said the left vertical trim is the camera control for me. But i have also seen online that some people use the same switch that's used to flip to control the camera. Press once for picture and hold till it beeps to record. Also be sure to stop recording before turning off the transmitter or quad or before removing the SD card.
    If nothing works then it sounds like you have a defective quad or camera and i would contact the seller.
    Hope this helps,

    Here's a link to best of my first few flights.

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