Syma X5c-1 questions, from new guy to the hobby, please!

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Exjumper, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Exjumper

    Exjumper New Member

    Hi everyone.

    I am new to the hobby, new to the site. Retired Skydiver with 1800 jumps, and I think this is something I can really enjoy now.
    I bought 2 quads on Amazon. Cheerson CX 10 for indoor.
    Syma X5c-1 for the park right behind my condo!

    The Cheerson has LED lights that make sense to me. RED (tailights as the vehicle is moving forward , away from me, just like most vehicles) and Blue (headlights) in the front.
    I just took the Syma out in the park, and the orientation seems backwards. There are Green LEDs in the rear, and Orange in the front. I found myself looking for the nose of the camera to orient to know that it was coming or going!
    I would like to have the Orange in the rear and the Green in front.
    Can they be changed?
    Any tips here are REALLY appreciated. I look forward to being a member of the community!
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    That is the way more advanced aircraft (Phantom, Inspire, Bebop etc.) will be...
    Red in front seems to be the way it's done in this hobby (with some exceptions) maybe it's better to get used to it that way.

    I know what you mean about being confused though!

    I suspect you can change yours out if you feel like taking the quadcopter apart though.
  3. Exjumper

    Exjumper New Member

  4. Exjumper

    Exjumper New Member

    Thank you for the reply! I was (about to think this was an unfriendly forum!) as I noticed that alot of posts , including mine, have remained with 0 replies?
    If that orientation is STANDARD, it really does leave me to believe that this hobby is truly in its infancy!
    Seriously, when a vehicle is facing AWAY from the driver, what do you see? RED...TAILIGHTS!!!!
    I am by no means an expert. but this seems completely ass backwards!
    I DO appreciate the response though...I AM capable of getting used to it this way. I have already considered other markings on the underside of the body. but thought that others here might have experienced this and have other solutions. IF THIS is the standard, I should probably just get used to it!
    This thing was a BLAST to fly in the local parks softball outfield, before the winds picked up.
    I am like a kid in a candy store right now, soaking in all of the info I can get!!!
    I look forward to more dialog!!!
    PS .....if you have any questions about jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.......i MIGHT be able to help!
    EVERYONE is free to email me directly at!
  5. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Our forums are not crazy active - we are set up more for our main articles at:
    while the forum serves more to answer stuff that falls outside of the norm.

    Since you jumped out of planes you probably know they also follow a different convention....

    I suspect the Red in Front is somehow related to that although not exactly sure how....
    BUT, keep in mind that the green lights turn yellow (on a Phantom) when it is in manual mode (ATTI mode). So this may be some of the reasoning - that is, yellow is closer to the white which is called for for "aft" aircraft lighting.

    Now you got me thinking - I will try to find the exact reasoning but I suspect I am close!
  6. Exjumper

    Exjumper New Member

  7. Exjumper

    Exjumper New Member

    No worries!
    So far i HAVE found your site to be VERY helpful.
    Thank you again for the reply

    By the way.....yes, us Skydivers are a very different breed indeed.
    Most are very helpful to share knowledge.
    I started jumping in 1996 and stopped in 2006.
    We didnt get information from forums!

    I DO look forward to being a part of this hobby. and THIS site!

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