Syma x5 model differences

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by steuartcj, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. steuartcj

    steuartcj New Member

    How do you tell if you have an X5, X5C, or X5 C-1 ? I've just ordered a new X5 C or X5 C-1 ( not sure which). Is the labeling, boxing, etc different ? Noobie here and would like to confirm what I get. ( currently have an X1) Thanks.
  2. Freeflyer

    Freeflyer New Member

    I have an X5C-1 plus a couple of others. Info out there is plentiful and vague at the same time. The packaging was changed on the X5C-1 by making it more compact but some were shipped in the old packaging with old marking until depleted so don't get excited if yours says X5C only on it.
    The way to tell is look at the manual and there should be a 2 within a black triangle in the lower left of the front page. Next, check the instructions and the photo button should be the trim button to the right of the throttle stick. The earlier(X5C) photo button was located on the shoulder of the transmitter. There a few other minor differences but these will be the most obvious I believe. Hope this helps.
    steuartcj likes this.
  3. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    You want the one one the right (C-1), more stable flight.

    steuartcj and Freeflyer like this.
  4. Freeflyer

    Freeflyer New Member

    Nice. I tried but was unable to find a pic of the one on the left.
  5. steuartcj

    steuartcj New Member

    Thanks to all. They sent me a C-1 . Now if I had just ordered a headless..
  6. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Don't worry about the headless, it's very hit and miss, which makes it useless and unreliable. With the Symas it wasn't until the X5SC model that it was added and that one turned out to a very poor flyer that struggled in the wind.

    Rome wasn't built in a day just keep practicing. Seeing as Syma used red lights up front adding some red to the front will help you immensely. You could simply get a red Sharpie pen and color your 2 front props, top and bottom.

    Make sure to note which prop goes on what side, you can do it without removing them. A couple bands of red electrical tape wrapped around the 2 front arms also helps.
    steuartcj likes this.
  7. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, headless is pretty useless when the wind is blowing and you have flow too far away. With these lightweight units I find the key is to keep them close to me and relatively low.
    If they start drifting too far away, don't try to save them by going higher and trying to get orientation - just cut the throttle and land and go find it.

    I have lost at least 6 of them, including headless models, to the wind and my own stupidity. At some point I figured I'd be better off springing for a couple hundred for a GPS model since I was always tempted to go further and higher....
    steuartcj likes this.

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