Aerial Photograph Stone Barn by the Bay - Rhode Island, USA

Discussion in 'Aerial Picture and Video Showcase' started by webman, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

  2. bixman44

    bixman44 New Member

    Nice photo. Just thought I'd pass along a tip that I had to figure out myself. While getting up high and taking some breathtaking pictures is fun sometimes my photos looked a little washed out. I can't afford high end imagery software (spent all my money on the drone) but i found this site that does some pretty good stuff.

    I took your photo and did one edit, DeHaze. You can do a lot more but I mainly use it for the DeHaze tool to fix my pics.

  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Nice - I purposely took this (and some others) on cloudy days since the light generally falls better on the subject itself - but you are right that the bay looked (and was, actually) hazy. Thanks for the tip.

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