Much of the discussion of cameras for multirotors centers around video - but, in many cases, aerial photography is better done with good quality still shots. In order to do this properly with small quads, you need a camera with a feature called "interval shooting". This is a setting which allows you to take photo's every "X" seconds. The camera must also be lightweight and have decent battery life - as it may take 100 or more pictures on one flight. Lastly, we have to make certain that the camera does a completely new focus for each picture. I had done some previous research on KAP (kite aerial photography) and found that many Pentax models feature interval shooting. For example, the W60 model weighs in at about 150 grams (5 oz) and has nice settings for interval shooting. Older models such as the W30 can provide a good value and still take very decent pics! Most newer GoPro cameras also have so-called "time lapse" settings, which allow a picture ever X seconds. The new Sony Action Cam has interval shooting and weighs only 90 grams with battery. Please add any comments or other brands and models to this thread if you know of them!