So I harpooned my flight controller did my transmitter go too?

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by hopejar, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. hopejar

    hopejar New Member

    So one day I was out flying my Qav 250 that I built. I was flying in and out of the trees pretty quick .I flew over a branch to low( my fpv video quality sucks worst than most) and a little twig harpooned into the bottom of my frame through the wireing and into my controller. it kinda broke but still pushed my battery cable into the controller ( cc3d) frying it like bacon. Since then i bought another board and have it setup but no transmitter is being received by my controller. Yall think my flight controller took the transmitter with it.
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Transmitter-> Receiver-> CC3D. You probably have a problem with the Receiver. What brand Transmitter do you have?

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