Research Industrial Design students.

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by SPIteam, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. SPIteam

    SPIteam New Member

    Hello drone enthusiasts,

    Would you like a world leading navigation and GPS company to provide you with next gen drone control?

    In a hypothetical project we, as a group of students studying Industrial Design, work as a consultancy team for a company in navigation devices and GPS products (we choose not to mention names to prevent preliminary associations).

    Drones are exciting platforms for Industrial Design and as this forum proves they have become widely accessible to the public and businesses. All difficult language aside, our consultancy team found that there is an opportunity for said company for drone route planning software.

    In short the concept consists of a software-product package that enables you to efficiently control one or multiple drones. Drone owners will be able to set waypoints for their drones. The program then maps the best route the drone can take while taking into account weather conditions, no-fly zones and objects in the environment.
    The product can be used for photography, surveillance, recreational purposes and many other applications. For the sake of keeping your attention we will try to keep the description as brief as possible.

    So how can you help?

    We would greatly appreciate it if you would fill in the survey that helps us analyze the position of possible competitors. It will take just 5-10 minute so grab a coffee and help us to define this project!

    Click here to help us!

    Thanks for your cooperation!

    Have a good one,

    The SPI Team

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