RED 5 Sky Quad pro V2 - One blade not rotating

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by SimonS, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. SimonS

    SimonS New Member

    The brass cog is not rotating to drive the white plastic wheel. The power seems to be reaching the arm of the drone as the lights are on. The teeth of the brass cog are engaging with the white wheel.

    It worked perfectly one day and then not the next. We did try recharging the battery but even with a full battery it did not help.

    What we have also noticed is that when we had this problem we noted that one other blade was temporarily not working or running a bit slower than the other 2. However, it has since rectified itself.

    Would any one be able to assist with as to why this is and what can be done to rectify it. It is a brand new purchase just out the box for 2 days.

    Many thanks

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