Im looking for somehing that can be upgraded or customizable. Upgrades im talking about; better/faster motors, extended flight batteries, range, etc. Willing to pick up something ready to fly but I want to hear about personal experiences. How easy was it to replace broken parts? I would love to buy an empty chassis and piece it together. Has anyone tried doing this?
I really think it depends on exactly what you want to do. Micros and minis are probably best purchased ready to fly....or bind and fly. I've taken all my micros and minis apart - easy to replace parts on those. I'd say most all larger quadcopters are modular to some extent - most very much so! Budget? Size? You can also pick a platform and then work within it. Arducopter will sell you any or all of the pieces, and it revolves around a good flight controller. If you want a relatively reasonable mid-sized that you can do some later upgrading and customization, check out the readytoflyquads flip.... They have it ready to go or at any stage of building: If you are feeling a bit braver, you can go over to hobbyking and buy one of their frames and all the other jazz and put it together..... That's a pretty big one...lots of exact part numbers listed by people in the comments under it!
Awesome information thank you! Im extremely excited to get started and decided to get a Syma X1 off Amazon for the time being. I need to count my pennies for the real deal