Rayline R809V - How to film

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by Sara Andrade, May 20, 2015.

  1. Sara Andrade

    Sara Andrade New Member

    Hello! I bought a second hand Rayline R809V and it didn't come with the instruction manual.

    I can't figure out how to take pictures or film! I've tried the function button and the ones on top of the controller, but when I put it on the computer, there's nothing in the folders.

    Does anyone have an instruction manual you can send me? Or can you walk me through the process?

    Help please!!!

    Thank you!
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    That seems to be a rebranded WL Toys model...probably v262
    Here is their camera

    There is a manual download at:

    If you can't get the information there, search around the net for v262 camera, etc.
  3. Sara Andrade

    Sara Andrade New Member

    Got it! Thank you!!!!

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