Question about Syma X5 batteries/motors...

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by LarryS, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. LarryS

    LarryS New Member

    Since Syma recommends a 10 min. "cooling off" period between flights as a precautionary measure to prevent motor overheating, what is the likelihood of the use of larger capacity batteries leading to a motor overheating problem? I'd sure enjoy the longer flight time but what do others say about my concern?

    Thank you in advance for all replies!
  2. LarryS

    LarryS New Member

    As I've now received 32 views and no replies I guess I've no worries. Thanks for the non-participation!
  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Larger batteries use most of their energy to lift themselves - and it's definitely true that brushed motors (the cheap ones used in these machines) are likely to overheat easier on a longer flight.

    These machines are going to need regular replacement of the motors anyway.
    I can only say what I do. I generally use the stock batteries or close to it in my toy machines. Longer flight times don't really appeal to me with the toys since I fly them mostly indoors and/or at places where they are not flown far away from me.

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