Quantum.nova urgent help

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by zeushawk, May 19, 2015.

  1. zeushawk

    zeushawk New Member

    Raily.in kneed of.help.people what the he'll is.going.on here was all fine
  2. zeushawk

    zeushawk New Member

    Any one.No.why my.mottors are.doing.this
  3. zeushawk

    zeushawk New Member

    Why my.mottors.doing.this
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry...if I knew I would help you.
    I have stayed away from those off-brand quadcopters for this very reason.....some bad Q/C and hard to find help for them.
    The best place for help is probably the Hobbyking forums or the comment section below the page that sells them - or, Rcgroups, which specializes in more technical aspects of this hobby. Here is the Quantum discussion there:
    (Same as the Cx-20)

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