Quad flips. Props involved?

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by sdfsf, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. sdfsf

    sdfsf New Member


    I just made my first quadcopter of the following parts:
    S500 frame, 480mm
    4 x multistar 2209-980
    4x afro esc 20 A, bec 0.5 linear, 1kHz
    hk slowfly prop 10x4.5
    multistar lipo 3s 4000 mAh
    turnigy tgy i6 with 6ch receiver

    When trying to throttle up, it flips over to the right side. I checked spinning direction, fc orientation, props -- all fine. Motors are wired in the right order to the fc. I replaced one motor by another one (ordered extra) but same problem occurs. Swapped two rotors of the same type and since then It starts slightly lifting but also moving forward. I use librepilot.

    One thing I realized is that the input frequency of the ESCs is 1 kHz but librepilot allows 490 Hz. Is it something needs to match?

    My questions: do these parts fit together? Particularly the motors to the rest. Tried to figure it out before ordering and it seemed fine but who knows...
    Is it possible that the props make the trouble? Found only issues related to fc orientation, cw vs ccw etc.

    I would appreciate any remarks or comments.

    Thank you.
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Did you do the ESC calibration?
  3. sdfsf

    sdfsf New Member

    Yes, in Librepilot. No clue what's wrong. In the mean time tried to tighten the propellers but the problem is the same.
  4. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Sounds like you covered everything.

    Maybe try doing the ESCs manually, one at a time. Pay attention to the beeps and make sure they all sound the same.

  5. sdfsf

    sdfsf New Member

    I measured the speed of rotation of each motors and figured out that one rotates at lower velocity. I spwaped 2 motors and the position changed indicating that the motor is involved and not the ESC. To double check that, I connected a new ESC to the same motor but it was slower than the others. I tried to calibrate the faulty motor at higher speed but it did not help.

    The "funny" thing is that I ordered 6 motors to use two as spare parts but 3 of them rotate at 2500 rpm, the others at lower and different speed. It has been several months since ordering, is it still possible to complain at HK?
  6. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    How did you do that?
  7. sdfsf

    sdfsf New Member

    With an optical sensor. Placed reflecting tapes on the rotor and it measured the speed with which the reflecting tape rotated in front of the sensor.
  8. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    That really shouldn't matter. Let say you want a level hover, the FC (CC3D) is supposed to compensate, spinning the appropriate motors either faster or slower. It doesn't care about the absolute speed that you mentioned as it should be constantly changing the RPMs to maintain level in this case. Something else is causing it to flip, you need to carefully review/re-do your set up. Calibrate it again on a level surface. Are all the motors starting at the same time?

    Are you sure about the props?


    Make sure you have Airplane as your model with your i6.

    FS mode airpl.JPG
  9. sdfsf

    sdfsf New Member

    Thanks for the inputs. That's all fine. I configured the output of individual motors and they all had the same neutral speed. I measured the velocity of each motor at the neutral speed on the ground. Swapped motors, ESC-s and wires on CC3D and it was definitely the motor which caused the trouble. Three had the same rotational speed, three were different despite changing ESC-s and wiring.

    Can you recommend other motors which fits to the above parts? The goal would be to carry a camera as well when it takes off finally...

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