Quad Flight Over Chicago

Discussion in 'Aerial Picture and Video Showcase' started by Keith Polito, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Keith Polito

    Keith Polito New Member

    Check out this video of a TBS Discovery with a GoPro flying over Chicago.
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Watch that and you'll see why, any day now, we'll all be stopped from flying at all over any public spaces....
    I think Meigs Field (airport) is within a mile of there. Let alone the thought of that thing falling on a person, vehicle, etc.

    I've flown with a friend over Philadelphia at a similar height....in a Piper Cub. Hitting a TBS would have sent us crashing.
    He should have kept it just to the Park and very low (IMHO).


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