Phantom 4 vs X-Star Premium? Need advice for work

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Katie O., Oct 3, 2016.

  1. Katie O.

    Katie O. New Member

    I've been trying to compare the Phantom 4 to the X-Star Premium to decide which is the best to recommend to my boss to buy for company use. We want a UAV to photograph and video the very tall communications towers which our company manufacturers.

    I'd love to hear from owners of these two UAVs to get some insights outside of what the spec sheets say, and all the crappy YouTube videos I've been trying to wade through to get a good answer.

    Price is not an issue here, but if I can save the company a few bucks, I'd like to. Here's what I've gathered so far, please let me know if you can clear up anything I've gotten wrong:

    Phantom 4
    -More advanced flying options?
    -Obstacle avoidance
    -Easier to fly?
    -Faster speeds
    -Slightly longer flight time?
    -Greater payload capacity?

    X-Star Premium
    -Nice carry case included
    -64GB card included
    -Good customer service, US-based
    -Better price
    -Removable gimbal for camera upgrades
    -Radio controller has built-in LCD and more feature buttons
    -High-vis orange color

    As far as I know, the camera specs are about the same, except the Autel is upgrade-ready while the DJI is built-in and any upgrades would require the purchase of a whole new UAV.

    Does anyone have experience with camera controls on both of these? Can both be fully controlled from the radio controller? Will I have the same full-manual camera controls with each of these UAVs? Is one easier or better to use than the other? I shoot DSLRs, so I'm really interested in this point. I want to be able to make really excellent photos and video for product marketing.

    Is the obstacle avoidance the main difference between these two? If so, does that one feature make the DJI worth the higher price?

    Does the included case, removable camera, better customer service, and better controller make the Autel a wiser choice for my use?

    I've never flown a drone before so I am really hoping that the community can help me out here. My boss always wants "the very best", and from what I've seen the Phantom 4 is currently holding that title for a lot of pilots, but if the X-Star Premium will fit all of our needs, cost a lot less, and do a great job, I'd like to recommend it, if it is indeed the smarter buy.
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

  3. Katie O.

    Katie O. New Member

    I was super excited about this at first, but so many drones are mentioned that the details I was looking for are just not there :(
    I'd love to know the specific advantages of the Phantom 4 over Autel's X-Star. The two aren't ever directly compared in the blog post. They're ranked at the end, but I'd love to know the detailed reasons. I'm having a hard time getting a good answer on this. How would you compare the image quality, the camera setting controls, and overall ease of use in getting great video and photos between these two? Most videos and articles on these units detail flight and physical capabilities (way-point, follow me, etc) of the drone rather than any in-depth analysis of which is best suited for excellent film making. Which has better focusing ability? Which drone's app has the most intuitive camera controls? I'm just as eager to enjoy flying as anyone, but the real ROI here is in the video and photos. Both of these drones have 12MP cameras. 12MP isn't impressive photo quality; there are cell phones with much better, but which company has put more thought into the video? Which would a pro videographer gravitate toward?

    Is there anyone here who has experience with both birds that can give me any input?
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I think you are confusing yourself somewhat here.

    The Phantom 4 is the first drone with true computer vision - which serves a number of purposes and will serve more as it goes along. It has everything that DJI learned over 10 years packed inside and the price has come down to $1100 or even less.
    (just saw this $999 on Amazon) -

    The Autel is closer to the last generation P3 (maybe the Pro), but doesn't have the maturity of firmware and app....still it works.

    I'd say the biggest advantages of the P4 are:
    1. Computer vision
    2. A better VPS system (definitely choose P4 or Mavic if you want to fly indoors or in areas where GPS may be tough to get).
    3. Expansion through the SDK - you can buy Litchi and other 3rd party apps for mapping, better waypoints, etc.

    Autel is, at this point, a one trick pony which may be an alternative for those who don't want to buy the DJI brand. At the same time is uses a relatively new Flight Controller (PX4) and it's not as mature all in all (Autel does not have the resources of DJI in terms of software development, upgrades, etc.).

    So while the Autel works - by most measures the P4 should provide more reliable, trouble free and capable use.

    In terms of details the P4 Camera and Glass is probably superior to the Autel. Some may say it's not - but you can often find disagreements (perception) on IQ.

    I guess the best answer to your "film making" question is that the vast majority - probably 10 to 1 or more - of pros and prosumers buy the P4 these days. Very few would buy the Autel and those who do are usually doing so because they dislike DJI for one reason or another.

    Good Luck! Remember, if you buy from Amazon you can usually return!
  5. Katie O.

    Katie O. New Member

    Anyone care to share thoughts on the performance of the camera sensors of these two? I just chatted with Autel to get the specs and the XPS is shooting with a Sony Exmor CMOS sensor. Not sure if it is regular or the "R" model. DJI lists the P4 with a CMOS, but no brand, but the ISO range is WAY less than the Sony.
  6. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    DJI Advertised the Sony EXMOR on the Phantom 3 line (Pro and 4K and Advanced) and also mentioned the Amberella SOC A9, which was one of the most advanced in this range.
    Just about every owner of a P4 agrees that the IQ is ahead of the P3.

    For whatever reason, DJI stopped advertising the sensor maker. As a "DJI Watcher", I can see a lot of reasons for this. DJI sees themselves as bigwigs - the "Apple" of drones and they stopped advertising other companies in much the same way Apple did (Apple does not advertise about their imaging chips, their Qualcomm or Intel parts in the phones, etc.).

    If you want a lot of "pro" info here is a suggestion. A member on RCgroups named burntpixel is a pro - shots commercials for Mercedes and much more. He has a fleet of P3 and P4 (and probably others) and also seems to know a lot about the Autel. He, for example, tried a typhoon H and sent it back (its camera is very poor in comparison).

    So if you aren't willing to take it on the basic "group conclusions" (that most claim P4 is the top in that size camera drone), join up at RCG and PM burntpixel for some gory details.

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