Phantom 3A Video to Photo Conversion

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by nateweger, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. nateweger

    nateweger New Member

    I am currently working on using photos from the Phantom 3 drone to create 3D models of the pictures. The program used to do this takes in the location, photo angle, and altitude to cross the pixels from each of the pictures to create a model. However, this takes many pictures to create a full model.

    My goal: I want to use all of the pictures that make up a video to create a model so that the program will have more photos to access.

    My problem: The format of the photos in the video do not have all of the necessary data for the program to work.

    My question: How can I get the data from the pictures that make up a video, and make a 3D model from these?

    I appreciate any advice!

  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think video has separate metadata on each frame - if that's what you are asking.
    It may be that some of the 3rd party mapping apps take photo bursts instead of video to get that info.
    Maybe check with these and similar vendors

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