Phantom 3 Battery Water Recovery Attempt

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Gangem, Oct 27, 2015.


Is this Posible???

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  1. Gangem

    Gangem New Member

    Ok so I get my P3 on the day before I go camping with my church. So I decide to take it with me and get aerial video to post on the church's website. Wich is all fine until the P3's battery failsafe kicks in and tries to get to 200 feet from under the trees next to the river to get up the hill to it's home point, and falls in the river. I got to it within 5 seconds and the P3 is fine, the battery however is not.
    I will upload crash footage and problem footage later. Anyway, I have come up with the hypothesis that the controller is screwed but the cells are not, there for I am about to try to direct charge the cells and see if that corrects my problem of the battery not charging. If anyone knows where I can get spare parts for the battery or what I can do to fix this that would be greatly appreciated.

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