Hints and Tips Discussion P3S - Is it me or is am I experiencing an issue?

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by kerrycorcoran, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. kerrycorcoran

    kerrycorcoran New Member

    Hoping I can get some insight.

    Finally got a P3S last week. I have taken it for 3 flights. From my limited experience [with this drone] it handles very well and the camera is impressive. The issue I have is how badly the video link is; basically making FPV flight impossible. I have tried both DJI Go and Litchi on my Verizon Ellispe 7 and LG VT10. Litchi seems to be a little better, but nothing to write home about. All applications off and in airplane mode.

    Should note I purchased the drone used and it included (installed) the ARGtek Extender Antenna Kit w 10dBi 5.8GHz. It just seems its VERY difficult to see the tablet/phone screen (made a quick sun shade; kind of helped), but the video latency makes the feed almost useless.

    I am planning to test the video feed with my wife's iPad mini.

    I am currently running FW v3.0.1

    I really want to enjoy this drone and hoping I am doing something incorrect.
    Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.
  2. kerrycorcoran

    kerrycorcoran New Member

    Problem solved!!

    As soon as I tested with the iPad mini the lag/latency was gone. From another forum I read about GPUs (link). Apparently the GPU in my Ellispe 7 was not powerful enough to process the video feed without having to offload or buffer to the primary CPU equaling the lag/latency behavior.

    So, I can continue to use the wife's iPad mini or find a cheap Android tablet that is sufficient enough to handle the GPU load.

    Next question, from standing outside I can see why a sunshade is so badly needed. Wondering if I can just make a quick and dirty cardboard shade that would suffice. Does anyone have any input if the purchased shades offer any benefits over just making a DIY shade?
  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think there is any benefit from a purchased shade from a homemade one - you just need shade!
    I often try to put myself in the shade (of a tree, etc.) when operating - so I have double shading.

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