old Newbie with P3 advanced on the way

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by gwtx, May 30, 2016.

  1. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    New to the forum and drones. I have ordered a P3A bundle and would like any tips and advise the folks here are willing to offer. I have done a lot of research over a period of a year or more. Have read a lot of info, but for some reason, a 70+ year old brain doesn't retain it as well as it used to. One of my concerns is all the horror stories about new upgrades/updates from DJI. I know they have to get their code out there for real world testing, but I don't want to be a tester :). When I receive my bird, will I have to install an ungrade, or is it capable of flying with what it comes with for a while? Most of my usage will be limited to the rural area where I live, keeping an eye on predators and varmints,,not including my neighbors :) I want to be able to spot feral pigs for "re-locating" before they do any more damage than they have already.
    Any, and all input is much appreciated. Gary
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    if it doesn't force you to install an upgrade (just suggests it), then you probably should stay with what it comes with.
    I always wait a few weeks or longer after any release before upgrading.

    Although you hear some stories, keep in mind there are over a million P3 models out there and most people don't have these problems.
  3. Prairie Pyro

    Prairie Pyro Member

    My first attempt to update my first P3a was a bit rough. The AC is supposed to be done first.
    A cleaned long formatted card is important. I used a cheap 2Gb card and formatted to fat32 and that seemed to work well now for a couple more AC. Seems very important to use a very clean card.
    Wouldn't mind helping out with the pigs. Its on my bucket list for bow and pistol.
  4. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    Thanks for the input. I have a new 32GB class 10 Lexar card coming with the order. Probably overkill for the updates. I don't do updates until they are well tested by users, IF I have the option. Looking forward to chatting with you folks. Thanks, Gary
  5. Prairie Pyro

    Prairie Pyro Member

    From what I have heard is ios update is an issue. I have had no issues with the last AC And RC updates on the two P3As I sold in the last couple weeks having went to P3Ps. Don't waste the high capacity high speed card on a update. I salvaged the one I used from an old phone.
  6. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    Thanks Pyro. I have a bunch of used cards laying around, but I want to eliminate as many variables as I can while just getting started.
    RGJameson likes this.
  7. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    Picked it up today. Got it and the tablet setup and running. Status has "updates required" for all components. Tried updating using the card in the gimbal. Downloaded the latest FW, put the bin file on the card, inserted it in the gimbal, turned the AC on and it did all the normal flashing and musical notes when it first started, but no "beeps" like the tutorials talk about. No way to tell what's going on during the process. Well it will still run at least but still needs the update according to the Status display. I did the remote controller thru "GO", and it worked. Tried another card, new one, I formatted it and put the "bin" file on it, and same results. It's getting late, and I'm tired of foolin with it. Try again tomorrow. Appreciate any advice ,, Thanks,,,Gary
  8. Prairie Pyro

    Prairie Pyro Member

    There is led lights above the camera in a pin hole that should blink red and green while a update is running and change to a solid green when done. Don't pay attention to the arm lights. If the light does not blink red and green but blinks red only the update is not going right.

    Attached Files:

  9. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    Prairie Pyro, Thanks for the tip. I overlooked that itty bitty led on the gimbal, and in the manual. I went thru the procedure again, and for some reason it worked :) "latest firmware" Did the compass cal, etc., and now waiting for a break in the weather to try it out. I figure I'd leave it on beginners mode for a bit. How well does the auto takeoff/land function work? Thought I might use that to start with, until I get a feel for the controls. I've looked at the "first flight" videos until I'm almost over my Verizon usage limit :) Anything you can think of would be appreciated. Gary
  10. Prairie Pyro

    Prairie Pyro Member

    Never used the auto takeoff or land. I use the beginner mode to test after I've done the updates and its pretty mild and very easy to get the feel to fly with it. I wouldn't bother with the auto takeoff etc. Just don't try and go speed up to the parameter as it could put some ugly stress on the frame when the bird puts the brakes on.
  11. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    Thanks again. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm not planning on doing any tricks or fast fancy flying.
  12. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    @Prairie Pyro :
    Well, I said I would post back. Been really busy, but have flown a bit in the late afternoons when the wind and heat dies down. Most everything is working out fine. Amazing aircraft!
    I have lost video a couple of times, really scary. Hit the RTH button and waited, seemed like forever, and it finally showed up. I took control and landed it, whew! The signal strength bars never change, are they supposed to?
    I have flown out to 3000 ft over low brush, but there are areas around my house with large trees, and I can't go far until the "image signal" msg starts blinking. I high tail it for home while climbing to gain signal strength. Fun, but very nerve wracking.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
  13. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Unless your tablet is connected to cellular service, no (or little) of the maps will display. However, if you set the maps to cache (in the go app) and open google maps and/or the DJI Go app while you are still home (in wireless) and then look around at the satellite map, it will likely store it and you will have it when you go out to the field.

    Note that even when you don't have a map, the P3 knows where it is - it is just missing that part of the overlay.

    Also, if you have it set to "show flight path" you will likely always be able to guide your bird back to or toward your home point. I use that regularly.

    App disconnects are something that seems to happen quite often. BUT, in most all cases, it does not disconnect the R/C control the Phantom, so assuming you are flying in the legal manner (line of sight), it is usually easy to bring the bird back.

    Orientation of the antennas is important in terms of maintaining video feed.

    Often an IMU calibration or restart of the device and other methods will lower the incidence of app disconnects.
  14. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

  15. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    Thanks for the help. It's soo easy to get involved and let the bird go where you can't see it. :)
    I have downloaded the map of my area, several times while trying to get it to display correctly. Also updated it on G maps. Yesterday, I think I got it, and your message this morning confirms it. Apparently I was not doing it right. About the "signal strength bars", are they supposed to actually indicate signal strength, or just a button to touch to get to the related information?
    The info in the users manual is sometimes confusing, and sometimes lacking,,,but then so am I sometimes :) Thanks, Gary
  16. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I think the signal strength does show something - BUT, the best trial and error is to enter the HD part of the Go App (the r/c part) and choose a "custom channel" - somewhere from 18 to 20. Also, turn the mpbs down to 4 (or as low as they can go)...

    Attached Files:

  17. gwtx

    gwtx New Member

    Thanks. You better be careful answering my questions so quickly. I might get the idea you're not busy and send you a bunch of questions. :)
    Actually, I try to find the answers on my own so that I have a slightly better chance of remembering :)
    What are your thoughts on the latest FW update(1.9.60 ) . I am on 1.8.80, which is the first update I did. The internet chatter causes me a little concern, but I realize the negative reports are a very small percentage of the total aircraft to be updated. But if there is a problem, I'd probably be one of the ones to get it. :(
    So, what's your opinion? Thanks, Gary
  18. royster

    royster New Member

    gwtx- I to fly the 3 advanced, for about a month or so.
    You've een trying out waypoint feature? Waypoints is so much easier to use with Litchi app. You can site at home on your laptop & using Litchi hub pull up map of where you want to fly & program a whole mission, download to your bird on site, so cool to not have to fly the area first!
    Wedman- I;ve been loosing my screen pic, or its freezing up on me, oyur statement of dropping mpbs down to 4 or so will help with this?
    I haven't done much long distance flying like I see guys do over at Phantom pilots, but I have an amazing flying location id love to try some distance flying.
    I;ve been flyin g this field of about 700 + acres, just flat land with low grass, but turn around & your facing a forest of 2 miles by 10 miles.
    I wanted to fly from my field, to where we park in forest, only 1/4 mile from my location, Did a mission of approx. 14 waypoints, took off & did 3 waypoints in open field, at at 35 meters (tallest trees- 10-13 meters) followed path leading to parking lot over trees, about 30 seconds in to mission- I get the red warning, lost signal, I know I;m not in line of site to bird, so I back up into field hoping for signal back, but no joy, 1 minute later I get "Warning mission did not load correctly" loose my nerve(I know Litchi will complete mission even with lost signal) & flip to P mode & hit RTH, & 2-3 minutes later she does.
    Now, ive had this message from Litchi- "warning mission did not load" before but mission completed as programmed.
    I does ususally take me 2 tries to load Litchi mission, so I assume the "warning" is just the first download that didn't take.
    But, still, what would you do? Would you let bird go & complete mission?
    One thing I could do is go into forest with way more altitude, I think will help?
    Sorry, I got so long winded, any suggestions appreciated!
    Roger- Ontario, Canada
  19. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Probably optional to upgrade.
    I usually do so because I like to write about things if anything goes right or wrong.

    But if I were flying for production I'd probably wait at least a month after a new FW release (P3) . At this point the PW is fairly mature so it's a safe bet that the older version will work.

    With the P4 it is different. I think it takes at least 6 months to hone the FW on such a complicated bird.
  20. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Make sure you read up on antenna orientation.
    Lots of hints in the Phantom 3 thread here in the stickies - but...
    Some devices tend to drop connections more - IOS is better than Android. Also, restarting a device and making sure a bunch of background processes don't load up is important.

    I fear that camera (app) disconnects are just part of the P3 - my P4 doesn't seem to do it (yet), but I hear a lot of reports with the P3. Yes, custom channels will help.

    No doubt that flying waypoints adds an element of risk....although, with Litchi, it is OK for the craft to lose R/C because it should complete the mission (there may be some settings for this)

    Yes, going higher should help especially if you orientate antennas better.

    I think the best idea it to take it all slow. Run some missions over the open ground - far enough away so that it loses connection and Litchi should complete mission anyway. When you are confident, you can do more.
    I've had my P3 for over a year but that is probably because I don't take chances. I use it for taking pics and videos and rarely try to "see what it can do" because I know that could be the end of it.

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