Newbie here!

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by Alan Dreher, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. Alan Dreher

    Alan Dreher New Member

    I have been trying to learn how to fly 3 different small quad copters. A WL959 and a CheersonCX10 and CX-30. I am having problems getting any one of them trimmed. I am not new to flying, I have a private pilot licience and I am powered parashute instructor. Makes me kind of crazy, that I can't master one of these $25 quads.......
    Suggestions please?
  2. jbrumberg

    jbrumberg Member

    Welcome Alan-

    I have a couple of cyber build buddies who have had similar experience as yours (UH-60 helicopters) and their "toy grade" "trainers" and their early build experiences gave them fits in the beginnings of their learning curves too. I suspect from their sharing those stock transmitters were partly responsible; and the quickness of these little quads relative to their area of operation. These little quads are not that easy to fly without a few "bumps" along the way o_O

    It takes a while. I am still practicing my piloting skills. It's been ~2 years since I started flying quads.

    Can you explain this trim challenge?

    Good Luck-

  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

  4. awsometurtle20

    awsometurtle20 New Member

    you should look up vidos that teach u how to trim its not that difficult i know you can do it

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