After my first attempt at flying I new something was not right so I did not carry on. The drone wanted to tip forward and although I managed to get it off the ground I had to compensate with rear pitch to try and hold it level. When I tested further it was vibrating badly and one motor would start late and stop early. I ran the motors up without props and I could see this one motor was stuttering. I checked the motor out and removed a couple of small pieces of metal from the magnets. Thinking that was the problem, I ran the motors up again and to my surprise, I now had two motors stuttering. Next I swapped the motors over but still the same. I have been fastidious with the binding procedure and have the motors running the correct way. The props were balanced at the beginning. I have checked all the solder joints and they seem fine. The sequence of binding is per the book and the LED's indicate all is well. Your thoughts appreciated thank you
Unfortunately, Walkera models seem prone to many problems - bad motors seem to be one of them. Despite how it is advertised it's not really a "consumer" quadcopter in terms of reliability and ease of use. It's more of a hacking machine. Walkera and all the rest of these low cost APM quads have proven to have many QC problems. Since we focus more on RTF consumer models you will likely find much more info in the 500+ pages (you can search it) on this model at RCG: Good luck with it!