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Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Espo, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Espo

    Espo New Member

    Hello all! I just found this place while I was researching a camera drone and decided to join.
    I have been flying remote controlled helicopters for years now, started out with a nitro/gas powered copter about 10 years ago (which I ultimately ended up totaling) and have been playing with battery powered copters more recently as I gave up on the gas/nitro R/C toys. I have yet to fly a quad-copter but do not think it can be any harder than a single propeller copter.

    Now I want to get into a quad-copter/drone with video.
    I work with a buddy and do videos for weddings as well as for myself doing music videos/short films and think a video drone would be an awesome tool to have in my arsenal.

    So I started researching the different drones on the market and wanted to get some of your opinions on what drone to look into purchasing.

    I have been looking/reading a lot about the DJI Phantom 2 Vision + and seems like the best bang for the buck for what I am looking to do, but I have questions, what is this GPS all about? Is it just for stability or is there a way to set way-points on a map and have the drone fly without having to manually 'fly' it with joysticks? And it also has iPhone/iPad capabilities too?

    Any other video drones out there around that same price point that are worth looking at? I do not own a gopro which is one of the reasons I was looking at the Vision because it comes equipped with a HD camera, basically buy, fly and record.

    I am sure I will have a lot more questions but I just wanted to get a first post out there and get some input from you guys.

    Thanks in advance and I look forward to being around the forums!
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    The review I just did shows some of the Ground Station Features (part #2).

    For what you are planning to do, the P2+ is likely to be the easiest and best solution. You can spend a lot of time trying to make other setups do all of that - but by the time you get done with it (if you time is worth anything), you are not getting a good deal.

    GPS is used for a couple things:
    1. General stabilizing in wind so it will go straight up relatively, etc.
    2. Return to Home functions
    3. NEW - Ground station. This is the waypoint flying you mentioned. This just came out last month and info on it is in the the review - mostly in part 2.

    I have two sample videos in part #1 that show the capabilities. IMHO, it's nothing short of amazing as far as being able to film without vibration and also in light winds. You'll see those articles on the front page or to the right linked here in "recent droneflyers blog" articles.

  3. huntandfish

    huntandfish New Member

    Hi I have also flown Nitro RC Helis I still have two and four small electric Helis . I started on RC fixed wing.
    A drone (quad) cannot be flown in a full manual mode ( there isnt the eqivalent of a flybar ) it must be flown in a basic stabilised mode . Some quads have options for more agile flightmodes and even programmed 180 flips . You will be surprised how stable they are you can take your eyes off them to look at say the TX and when you look back they are still there . Flight modes like ALT Hold give exellent height control something I find difficult with Helis . Loiter uses GPS and is remakable . Then you have RTL and autonomous flight on some quads . Or simple mode if you have trouble with which way it is pointing .
    The only problem I have had is flicking through various modes before I understood them and moving the throttle when in Alt Hold and Loiter .
    Others on this Forum who have started on Quads may have different views.
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    I'm testing the Blade 200qx and the "manual" mode must be like a heli!
    It instantly angled into the ground when I switched into that mode! That must be the mode for the folks who fly it upside down (inverted flight with new special props Horizon sells).

    It's a neat little quad....full review in a couple days.

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