Im modding a drone I have to give it the capabilities to be able to pick up objects with a robotic claw; currently the drone can lift about 30grams; what is the lightest robotic claw that can be bought?
Probably the wrong site to ask that question - see our FAQ. DIYDRONES may be the best place for experimental stuff.... ----------from our FAQ: What defines a Beginner? In general, someone who has been in the hobby for a less than a year or two! The other forums do a great job of answering very technical questions, but such things can intimidate newer users who need basic info. As an example, if you know what any of this is, you are not a beginner: "the 2.4G IC is a 'NRF24LE1' and it appears to have an amplifier IC marked 2206 which I think is a 'UP2206'....looking at the spec's of the amp, max input is -8dBm which means the NRF24LE1 is probably putting out either -12 or -18dbm and the amp is listed as 28dB gain means it should be putting out somewhere between 10 - 40mW" Who and What is See: Basically, this is a hobby site tailored toward Beginners in the field of multirotor hobby aircraft. There are a number of great sites for more advanced hobbyists including the following: RCGroups Multirotor forums - DIYdrones forums - HobbyKing forums and comments under each product: Lots of others too!