Lost Phantom 2 Found Deep In The Woods By FlyTrex Live 3G

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by funtimegrandpa, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. funtimegrandpa

    funtimegrandpa New Member

    Amazing Recovery Of Lost Phantom: This is a long story, But one if you don't have a tracking device on your equipment, you need to read and watch. Wish I could make it shorter, but not possible. If you don't want to read or watch all of it, just jump to the end and get this Tracking Device, You will be as glad as I am should something happen, or if you just want to share flight info live.

    The strange part is I just did a review for the Flytrex Live 3G a few weeks back, never thinking something like this would happen in the way it did. And where it landed was the worst possible location, not to mention a bit dangerous. You can see my original review here:

    but make sure you check out the link at the bottom. The Search.

    The first link will take you to where I tell you what happened and the second will be the search. But please take the time click Show More and read what I wrote. Also there is a link to save some money should you want the same system.

    Grandpa Jake



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