losing signal between phantom and controller

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by mattan, May 6, 2015.

  1. mattan

    mattan New Member

    I have phantom 2 vision + v3.0 .

    I bought it from a neighbor that is a pro with flying drones , he said he never crashed it and he have the recite that prove that he bought it two weeks before I bought it from him , it's that he want the phantom 3 .
    It is the controller with the gimbal wheel ...
    I was flying it in open space ( mountains)

    im flying on Phantom mode.
    when the drone is away about 100m it lose the signal of the controller, does someone knows why? all equipment is full charged.

  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Is it just the app that loses the signal (video feed) or does your remote controller stop operating the Phantom?

    My Phantom 2 (same model) sometimes loses the screen (app) connection, but the Phantom still works with the sticks.

    In general, the problems can be fixed in these various ways.

    1. Make sure you have the newest versions of firmware and apps.
    2. In the IOS app there is an option called "upgrade range extender" - do this.
    3. Reboot and restart all devices - the phone, wireless range extender and the Phantom.
    4. Experiment with the exact direction that the wireless range extended and R/C antenna face.

    If it was truly losing the connection in Phantom mode it would go into Return to Home. If it is just losing the wireless extender signal, it will not go into RTH.
  3. mattan

    mattan New Member

    It is losing the signal from the remote and going into going home mode ....
    I have all the new updates for all
  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

  5. mattan

    mattan New Member

  6. Arthur Burke

    Arthur Burke New Member

    I wish I had a nickel for every time I saw a reference to something about the Phantom 3, clicked on it with interest, only to discover it's not for the Phantom 3 at all, but for something like the Phantom 2 Vision or Vision+ etc. Before I even received my P3, I was perusing the manual - available online directly from DJI. I've seen nothing about an adjustment on the back of anything for the Phantom 3. I'm easy, please prove me wrong.

    Okay - now in Edit mode - I see the thread was originally about a P2 - my humble apologies - I mistakenly thought this comment was in regards to a P3.

    I'll try to exercise a bit more caution next time!

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