Left to fend for ourselves

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by dronester, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. dronester

    dronester New Member

    I am a new member that has posted many questions on this forum with no answers. Plenty of views but no answers. So it seems to me that new members with limited knowledge will need to answer each others questions. I have very little experience, but i'll try to answer any question that i know the answer to.
  2. Prairie Pyro

    Prairie Pyro Member

    The sport has grown very fast in a short period of time. Doesn't leave much time to have a large base.
  3. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    The vast majority of questions are answered either in our articles - on our FAQ - or, if very specific, somewhere else on the net.

    We appreciate anyone who can help - at the same time, our forums and site are set up mostly for RTF and beginners/intermediates as explained in our FAQ:

    Those who want very detailed lists of what they should buy for DIY jobs, etc. should go to RCgroups, diydrones, hobbyking (forum and comments) and many other places where such detailed information can be had.

    Although it may be TMI (too much information), I ran a very large forum (3 million pages per month!) for 18 years and when I started this site I decided to make it mostly "curated" information in the form of articles and carefully edited and cared for forum posts - as opposed to the same type of community as before. I did so for a number of reasons.

    So although we don't hope to become a leading forum - that's not a goal - we do hope to help people get from 0-30 (car talk) and then they can perhaps move on.

    Of course, I do appreciate anyone who wants to hang around and answer any questions of any kind for others!

  4. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Oh, another quick thing. For the past month I've been both preparing for, attending and writing about CES and the Industry in general. Combined with the holiday season and everything else - leaves little time for spending cruising the forums.

    Although they may not interest everyone, there about a 6 or more new articles and reports about the industry, CES, specific model reviews, etc. all done in the last month or so.
    They are found at either the front page (scroll down to see more)
    or at a category - like Editorials.

    As mentioned before, this type of writing is really the crux of the site with the forums for other stuff like users posting their videos, new product announcements, etc.

    So I guess we are a blog...with a forum...as opposed to forums with a blog. But, as I said, if anyone wants to take the horse and run with it I'd love it....

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