JJRC H8D First Quad

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by RAnst4038, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. RAnst4038

    RAnst4038 New Member

    H8D arrived this morning like magic after strangest shipping I've ever seen. Tracked it with Fedex from LA to West Virginia (4) days, then to York USPS for delivery. It didn't arrive yesterday like it should but I quit checking after 6pm. Went out to give the chickens their morning popcorn treat at 7:30 and there it was with a label that says it came from Brunswick, NJ. o_O
    So the first thing I wanted to do is balance the props with the carbon fiber, red tube & blue nut unit that doesn't seem to have a name. I had already sanded the blue nuts balanced.
    Found that the B's were almost perfectly balanced. The A's were real heavy on the end that had A molded in.
    Even though I only removed one prop at a time I still managed to swap the right rear CW A with a spare CCW B. Which I found out when the quad would only flip on take off. :confused:
    With the excellent macro photography seen on web I was surprised just how tiny the parts are. Handling 4mm jeweler screws with my 57 year old HVAC mechanic shoe leather fingers with no feeling left in them is a real challenge. When you fob it they get sucked onto the highly magnetic micro motors which requires fishing with a jeweler loop & tweezers. I think I got the transmitter bonding & gyro calibrating down.
    Tomorrow I'll take it outside and see if I can fly the thing. :rolleyes:
  2. PeteSco

    PeteSco Member

    I've seen there's an upgraded version of this quadcopter. Any thoughts?
  3. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Good Luck!

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