JJRC H8C (Two Beginners!)

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by David3011, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. David3011

    David3011 New Member


    I'm new to drones and new to this forum, so hopefully you guys can help me out.

    After months of nipping my partners head, I finally got my hands on a drone, a JJRC H8C to be specific. We went down to a local patch of derelict ground but neither of us could fly the drone at all - we could get it a couple of feet of the ground and then it would shoot across and then crash down. Can anybody offer us advice on getting it to be less sensitive and more controllable for a pair of beginners? Also, does any body have advice on landing this thing? Our one bumps down and scrapes along the ground despite neither of the gears being touched.

    Thank you in advance, all help is greatly appreciated.
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Throttle management takes a while to master. When first starting out folks tend to panic and over react. For the most part you'll always need to making micro adjustments with the sticks. Hovering can be tough, especially with the older model you chose.

    I started out with small, light micros. They tend to be quite durable. Never did much 'landing' as I was always crashing. Landings came later. :)

    A nice starter, spare props and batterries are cheap and you can practice inside.

    A few tips here.

    Welcome to the forum.

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