Immersion Vortex 285 race Quad

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Tom Wolves, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Tom Wolves

    Tom Wolves New Member

    Hello everyone, I was wanting to know if anyone here fly's a Immersion Vortex 285, or 250 pro racing quad copter? what transmitter do you use, receiver, and goggles?, if any. I am thinking about purchasing one and just want some input with someone who fly's one. I have a Spektrum DX7 transmitter, I am researching the receiver I want to use which is the Spektrum DSMX quad race receiver( it hasn't even been released yet) end of January 2016. As for the goggles I am at a loss!... lol which are the real good ones, not necessarily the best but mid range. I couldn't find any post or information on this forum mentioning the Vortex, but perhaps I missed it.
    Any how thank you for your time and input.

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