Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by jason willis, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. jason willis

    jason willis New Member

    Wanted to know what others think about my decision to keep the GoPro Karma against Go Pros recall. First mine does what its suppose to do right now.. I have a big piece of property and am not flying around any buildings or people. Since the recall, been doing a lot of low level flight, trying to reproduce the power failure. Im hoping it will happen and come to a fairly soft landing, that way I can tell if its hardware or what piece. Im sure Im not the only one keeping theirs, it would be cool to talk to someone else that is. I will keep ya all posted on how it goes!
    Jason Willis
  2. webman

    webman Administrator Staff Member

    Not really a good decision IMHO....but maybe you want to have a Museum piece someday!

    Remember, they are giving a FREE H5 to all the customers who returned it.....

    In your case it doesn't seem to present much of a danger...but still, that free Hero would tempt me to stop experimenting.
    RGJameson likes this.
  3. jason willis

    jason willis New Member

    Thats the thing, it came with the Hero 5 and the new gimble,,, I like the gimble more than the drone!!!!

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