I need a parachute rescue system for my Phantom

Discussion in 'Misc. Quadcopter & Multirotor discussions' started by YulBrinner, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. YulBrinner

    YulBrinner New Member

    Hello guys I bought 2 months ago a Phantom 4, and I am really enjoying the thing right now, but I am a little bit afraid to crash it, this things cost some money, so in order to protect it from the crashes I have been thinking to equip with a parachute rescue system. But the thing is most of those system cost a lot to besides most of them are with pyrotechnics or explosive decoil system which I do not like. Hopefully I was looking for something quite easy to you use and easily reusable. And if find this last week this system, by randomly looking youtube videos at 2-3am(nothing else to do at this time ;-)), this rescue system use a simple spring to deploy the parachute and most of the parts are made of carbon, the whole kit includes the parachute and seems to be really affordable and reliable. So if you guys could help to make my choice by giving you thoughts about this rescue system for drones it will really appreciate this. Here is the link of the video I found.

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