I Don't Know What Drone To Get... :/

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by BrennanSB, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. BrennanSB

    BrennanSB New Member

    Hey! So I am new to drones. I have never flown one before. I've flown little toy Syma helicopters, but I'm sure those are different. I am not really looking for a beginner's drone, because I need a drone with a high quality camera, and has range of at least 150m. I am a photographer, and becoming a videographer. So, I need long range, and good camera.

    I have looked at several drones. Most of which have great range but a terrible camera. The only one with a moderately good camera is the Syma X8HG (http://bit.ly/thedroneiw). I have found one with no camera, and has enormous range compared to the Syma. The JJRC X1 (http://bit.ly/2a5X1C5). I was thinking I could duck tape this action camera: https://amzn.com/B00FZ3JTGI to the JJRC. But, I am worried about jello if I do that. Will doing that produce jello?

    The Syma X8HG has 70m range. The JJRC X1 has 300-400m range.

    So, my summary question is: Is it worth risking jello for big range (if it even produces jello), or should I get the Syma with built in camera and sacrifice range?
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    Neither of those. The Syma is using cheap brushed motors and still has jello, and you can never trust any manufacturer's range claims.

    This one is only a few $ more than the JJRC and you get a real hobby grade transmitter + brushless motors. And much better (and adjustable) flight characteristics.

    Read the reviews and watch some YouTube vids. There are all sorts of flight adjustments that can be made right in the TX, tailoring it to your needs. From docile to sport.

    This ~41 gram 4K camera also looks sweet. The quad should have no problem carrying it.

    There are many YouTube vids on making simple anti jello mounts.
  3. BrennanSB

    BrennanSB New Member

    Thank you for the response! I'm on a budget, as I will be buying a new lense for my camera at the same time as buying a drone. I'll now most likely get the XK, I've watched several reviews. I don't think I'll be buying that 4K camera, as again, I'm on a budget.

    I just want to ask this, would duck taping a camera to that drone cause jello? Or do I need to make an anti jello mount?
  4. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    What camera?

    Yes. The camera needs to be isolated from the vibrations of the quad. There are many easy and inexpensive ways to do this.
  5. BrennanSB

    BrennanSB New Member

    Canon EOS Rebel T1i.

    Oh okay. Thanks for your help! :) Will most likely get the drone you mentioned.
  6. Petshark

    Petshark New Member

    skip the symas; definitely more toy than tool. Good for practicing in your house, but crappy for pretty much everything else.
    from your description, it sounds like you need one of the higher-end consumer/prosumers... depending on your budget and needs, I'd go with one of the phantom 3's. Forgiving and easy to learn with, but definitely not a toy. Personally, my favorite learning drone was a storm 4 mini I ordered from helipal.com. Arguably overpriced but was definitely the drone that contributed the most to the foundation of my early piloting skills...

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