Husban x4

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Pat Dillon, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Pat Dillon

    Pat Dillon New Member

    Having just received a Husban x4 and being out of the RC loop for many years I have encountered a
    very strange problem. Having flown it a couple of times both resulting in minor crashes, the controls
    have reversed themselves. I now have throttle on the right stick and have been unable to reset it,
    Has anyone had this problem or know how to correct it? I got it through Amazon (three weeks
    from China) so I dread the thought of returning it. Thanks Pat
  2. specter

    specter Member

    IIRC, you are in Mode 1 and need to switch to Mode 2.

    Press and hold the Elevator stick for 2 seconds to enter the Settings menu. The LCD will display "SE" Press the Elevator Trim up or down to reverse the channel, and then press and hold the Elevator stick for 2 seconds to confirm and exit.
  3. Pat Dillon

    Pat Dillon New Member

    Thank you for your quick reply-holding the elevator stick down will not bring up the settings menu-only cycles through the trim numbers.
  4. specter

    specter Member

    Try the web. I wrote what my instruction manual stated, albeit may lack clarity in the translation. :)

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