Hubsan X4 107C - Newbie help?

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Steve42, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. Steve42

    Steve42 New Member

    UPDATE: Figured it out. Storms last night tripped a breaker and that outlet was dead! Wow, that is a bright LED to shine through that plastic!


    We purchased this unit for my son, and while it seems easy to use, we are having an issue that baffles me.

    All indications are that there is an LED inside the USB plug for the charger that glows red until the battery is fully charged. The photos and videos on the web that I have found show this plainly. However, the plug on the charger that came with my son's drone is made of opaque black plastic and there is no way an LED would shine through it. Consequently, I cannot tell when the battery is charged or if the unit is even charging it. I plugged it in and waited the 40 minutes that various sources claim is the charging time, but when I connect the battery to the drone, it goes through all the setup flashes and then after just a moment, the LEDs go dark.

    The battery had a charge upon arrival, so we were able to fly it a bit before the battery died but now we cannot get it to charge up. We have tried multiple USB charging adapters with the same result.

    Hubsan Quads's web site does not offer much hope, as I am fairly certain based on the Chinese error messages I receive when I try to navigate the site that the staff will not speak English.

    I don't want to return the drone to the seller, and I have a crash kit arriving in a week or so, but we don't want my son to have to wait that long to fly it.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015

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