Hubsan H501S X4 FPV Brushless - Help

Discussion in 'Specific Models of Quadcopters and Drones' started by Chris Thomas, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Chris Thomas

    Chris Thomas New Member

    Hi. I am new here and I need some repair help so I hope this is the correct section in which to post this request.

    After just two amazing flights I experienced a major problem. I was practicing controlling the drone and had it only about 5 feet in the air when it began to smoke. I lost control and it landed upside down on my driveway. I could not get it to turn off for about 45 seconds. During this time two blades were broken and there was smoke coming from the vent slits on one arm and it was glowing in the vents on another arm. After extreme difficulty contacting Hubsan Quads (their website is horrible) it became clear I would need to repair the drone myself.

    When I tried to restart the drone I noticed that the motors on the arms which had the fried ESC's would not spin but rather they sputtered a few times and stopped all together. Upon taking it apart I determined that the parts that burned were the electronic speed controllers located at the midpoint of each arm. I am fairly sure that the motors on these arms were ruined while is was running upside down on the driveway. I went on line and ordered two new motors (1 CW and 1 CCW) as well as two new electronic speed controllers. My plan is to replace these parts. My question is do you think I am on the right track to repairing the drone? I would hate to replace these parts only to have them burn up because of some other faulty part.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Chris
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2016
  2. RGJameson

    RGJameson Active Member

    That's good thinking. Were the ESCs the cause or a symptom? No real way to tell, it's a crap shoot.
    Find somewhere else to fly, crashes are going to happen especially when learning.
  3. Chris Thomas

    Chris Thomas New Member

    I am just guessing that the ESC's fried because the motors were trying to spin the blades while the drone was upside on the driveway. My thought is that the motors where trying to spin but couldn't and as a result the ESC's over heated. Just a guess as I am learning as I go. Pretty sure the driveway did not make a big difference here. The blades would have not been able to spin if the drone was upside down in the field either.

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